How would you clear a string or previous text?

Hey guys,
How would clear all the text?
I don’t really know how to do it

public Canvas myCanvas;
	public Text myText;
	// Creates varibles to view more text
	private string display = "";
	private bool engagedText;
	List<string> textEvents;
	// Creates varibles inorder to reconised input commands
	public InputField inputfield;
	// Creates a Command string that holds commands
	private Dictionary<string, System.Action<string,string>> commands;

	protected void Awake()
		//Holds the command string and points them to their methods and functions
		// Listen when the inputfield is validated
		commands = new Dictionary<string, System.Action<string,string>>();
		commands.Add( "help", onHelpTyped );
        inputfield.onEndEdit.AddListener( OnEndEdit );

	void Start () {
		textEvents = new List<string>();

		textEvents.Add ("Welcome to my App");
		textEvents.Add ("Your currently offline (console), login to go online");
		textEvents.Add ("Type help for help");
        engagedText = true;
	void Update () {
			engagedText = false;
	private void OnEndEdit( string input )
		// Only consider onEndEdit if Submit (Enter/return) key being press
		if ( !Input.GetButtonDown( "Submit" ) )

		bool commandFound = false;

		// If the command is entered,it finds the correct command
		foreach ( var item in commands )
			if ( item.Key.ToLower().StartsWith( input.ToLower() ) )
				commandFound = true;
				item.Value( item.Key, input );

		// If command is not founded, perform this task & clear the InputField
		if ( !commandFound )
			textEvents.Add ("Command not founded");
			engagedText = true;

			inputfield.text = "";

	// Help function 
	private void onHelpTyped( string command, string input )
        textEvents.Add ("hi");
        engagedText = true;


    // Add the new text while keeping the old text.
    void AddText()
		display = "";
		foreach(string msg in textEvents)
			display = display.ToString () + msg.ToString() + "

myText.text = display;


textEvents is a list. So, if you want to clear it:


If you want to clear all of the text, you can add this line below “commands.Add(“help”, onHelpTyped);”:

        commands.Add("clear", onClearTyped);

Then create a new onClearTyped function that is as follows:

    private void onClearTyped (string command, string input)