Here is my scenario:
Im currently studying on Udemy, and I know I should’t be jumping ahead, but I wanted to try to try figuring out the code to test myself. The game is the block breaker game (where you have a paddle, move it around with your mouse on a fixed horizontal plane, and bounce a ball around). Anytime I click, after initially launching the ball, it still gets “launched” from it’s new Vector2 (which is cool, so I understand how Double Jumping works).
My question is: How do I disable the “double jump” or the “on click launch”, after I have already launched the ball into the air?
My current attempt is: I made a “bool bouncingAround = false;” under Start(), a “bouncingAround = true;” under the LaunchOnMouseClick(), and, so far, an “if (bouncingAround = true)” under Update(), with no commands yet. I hope i’m on the right track. Please, and thank you for your help and or criticism!