How would you convert this JavaScript code into C#?

I’m following a tutorial from the Walker Boys, specifically this tutorial: 3 02 Tool Prefab Creator Selection Array on Vimeo

This is the code that I have been trying to convert (which is all inside a static void MakePrefabs function):

var selectedObject : GameObject[] = Selection.gameObjects;

I will provide all the examples that I have tried along with the errors they generate in that order. Straight code conversion:

GameObject[] selectedObject = Selection.gameObjects;

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

This makes sense due to the fact that I didn’t specify the amount of indexes I wanted in the array. Specifying the array index amount:

GameObject[] selectedObject = new GameObject[1];

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

This shows that I didn’t specify the fact that I wanted to grab the selected gameObjects. In my attempts to do this, I have tried to use both temp variables and lists; I will provide both examples. Using a temp variable:

GameObject[] selectedObject = new GameObject[1];
GameObject[] _tmp = Selection.gameObjects;
_tmp = selectedObject;

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

This is also not grabbing the gameObjects. I have also tried it this way:

GameObject[] selectedObject = new GameObject[1];
GameObject[] _tmp = Selection.gameObjects;
selectedObject = _tmp;

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

This is the attempt using a List:

List<GameObject> selectedObject = new List<GameObject>();
selectedObject.Add(new GameObject());

This “works” as it creates a new GameObject() and returns it; however, I only want to return the game objects that are already in the Hierarchy which at this point, is a Cube object.


Here is the full script and all the attempts that I have tried to convert this code in from JavaScript to C#:

// JS code that I'm trying to convert
var selectedObject : GameObject[] = Selection.gameObjects;

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class MakePrefab : MonoBehaviour {

	[MenuItem ("Project Tools/Make Prefabs #%&_p")]

	static void MakePrefabs() {
		// Attempt 1
		GameObject[] selectedObject = Selection.gameObjects;

		// Attempt 2
		GameObject[] selectedObject = new GameObject[1];

		// Attempt 3
		GameObject[] selectedObject = new GameObject[1];
		GameObject[] _tmp = Selection.gameObjects;
		selectedObject = _tmp;

		// Attempt 4
		List<GameObject> selectedObject = new List<GameObject>();
		selectedObject.Add(new GameObject());

Any input or tips would be GREATLY appreciated as I have been trying to figure this out for a long time now. Thank you for your time.

Try this:

		GameObject[] selectedObjects = Selection.gameObjects;
		if(selectedObjects != null){