HP Windows Mixed Reality Headset - depth mapping with sensors / webcam?


I have the HP Windows Mixed Reality headset and would like to use its sensors for depth mapping.

Firstly are the 2 sensors/cameras IR sensors???

Can I use Unity or write code to access these cameras/sensors if even possible? So I can use the headset to generate depth maps of real physical environments so I can map my own textures.

For example I want the headset to map the wall inside the room so in the future I can apply a custom texture!

Alternatively I was thinking does the HP windows mixed reality headset have an inbuilt webcam or can thew two cameras be used as webcams? So can I use this webcam ti display a live feed within the VR headset and then use a raycast and some sort of asset to create my own depth map!

Any idea guys? Still stuck :frowning:

Just a few questions in case one of you have answers that will help me understand the hardware and my objectives more clearer.

  1. Does the HP Windows Mixed Reality headset have two stereo cameras or sensors? The two lens on each side of the headset, are those actual cameras which can be used to record footage? Or are they just tracking sensors for inside - out tracking and if so what type.

I remember using the HTC Vive on Unity to add a webcam texture which actually allowed me to view my own perspective of the real world from my VR headet. So it felt like a zed Mini

This is what I would like to achieve using the HP Windows Mixed Reality headset for the bare minimum

  1. Does HP provide any source code where we can ‘hack’ or access the sensors to understand the piece of tech more.

  2. Alternatively what can I do to support room scale VR where real life objects are now virtual objects. The idea is to pick up a real ball in the VR world using the leap.

Any advise or help would be great!

Sorry to necro but :

  1. newest windows insider program gives an ability to use flashlight feature for passthrough
  2. there is a way already to capture wmr cameras from hmd Releases · Triplesalt/WMRSensors · GitHub