Nope. It’s just unformatted text. No markdown either. Newlines can be done with \n and use ASCII characters for bullet points. Here’s an example:
If you need formatted docs or changelog, put it on the respective URLs that I highlighted.
Example package.json:
"name": "com.unity.performance.profile-analyzer",
"displayName": "Profile Analyzer",
"version": "1.1.1",
"description": "The Profile Analyzer tool supports the standard Unity Profiler. You can use it to analyze multiple frames and multiple data sets of the CPU data in the Profiler.\n\nMain features: \n▪ Multi-frame analysis of a single set of Profiler CPU data \n▪ Comparison of two multi-frame profile scans \n\n",
"unity": "2018.4",
"upmCi": {
"footprint": "6b1144808fa7de3982c55bae2f345a8a7c779dc0"
"repository": {
"url": "",
"type": "git",
"revision": "6dcda6aee96901e98a4f01b85589054b9274ba74"
For changelog, it can be as simple as having a in the root of the package and the changelog link will open explorer with that file selected. I just found that out by chance.
1 Like
Thanks, I’ll forward.