Hub 1.5.0 suggests to remove UnityPackageManager folder

When using Unity 2017.4.20f2 Hub 1.5.0 says that manifest.json will be moved to Packages folder and says that i can freely delete the UnityPackageManager folder.
However, after deleting the folder, it does recreate it and adds the manifest.json back.
Soo, now i dont know which one is being used for the Project building.

@aubergine I don’t think manifest.json will ever be moved out of asset folder. It is the file that should kept with the core of project. Unity look into assets folder to generate other project files. And so the manifest.json that contain the package dependency should be in the folder that you would copy or backup in VCS

I think you misunderstood, I have a project from previous versions, and updated to 2017.4.20f2, the manifest.json was previously inside UnityPackageManager folder but after updating to 2017.4.20f2, the Hub 1.5.0 says that manifest.json will be moved to Packages folder and says that i can freely delete the UnityPackageManager folder.

However, after deleting the folder, it does recreate it and adds the manifest.json back.

Soo, now i have 2 smiliar manifest.json files and i dont know which one is being used for the Project building.

@aubergine will be moved might be for 2018.3 I think

What i am saying is,------> “2017.4.20f2” <---------- asks for the removal of the folder, and after removing, it re-creates it and includes the manifest.json, thus i have 2 of them now.

@aubergine What I am trying to say is, it just warn you so that you know it would be moved in next version, which might be meant 2017->2018 not 2017.2->2017.3

I understand your good intention, but i dont understand why you insist telling me something you know nothing about?

It doesnt warn you, it just shows you a dialog box with explanation and OK button, so you have to click on it and the process begins and this happens with 2017.4.20f2

@aubergine I might not know everything but what I know is, I am using 2018.3 right now and the folder structure was changed to Packages outside Assets folder but the manifest.json still inside Assets folder

Given the information that you still using 2017 and it still exhibit this behaviour you describe I would betting that the change was meant for version 2018

In what way does your bet help with the situation of having 2 manifest.json files, could you please explain that as well?

@aubergine I don’t know this would help you but first, I think manifest.json will not be moved out of Assets folder in any version, so you should not move it and let it stay in the root of assets folder just as the same

Second, If you want to have the behaviour you have been warned, I think you should just upgrade your project to 2018.3

Or maybe just skip to 2019 directly, because we are in 2019 already anyway

I decided to skip directly to 2020. Thank you for your educating and informative contributions, you can stop contributing now though.

The question and problem remains, if there is anyone else related and knows something please advice.

(Take this with a grain of salt, I don’t know a lot about this)
If you have two jsonfiles can you compare them to see if one has more info than the other or is perhaps formatted differently?

My json file for 2018.3 just says

(Should be json format that wasn’t an option)

    "dependencies": {

And looks pretty useless.

If one file has a lot more in it, well then I’d keep it. If the files look pretty much the same than then well, I’m not sure if it matters.

Perhaps you can post the files and that might help others if they have this question later.

I opened a different half finished project from 2017.2

And my manifist looks pretty much the same

    "dependencies": {

I don’t think it matters. Or at least in my case it does not, I do not know if your project is more complicated.

Granted I did not move folders because I have to keep these files on particular hardrives, so I’m not sure how that would effect anything, I’m thinking it won’t matter just the same.