Hub app not launching after updating Ubuntu

I just updated Ubuntu from 18.04 to 18.10 and I can no longer open Unity Hub. I tried fixing it, but I can’t find and delete all the installed files and then reinstall. I tried removing files from my folder:

  • home/.local/share/applications/Unity Hub

  • home/.local/share/unity3d

  • home/.config/UnityHub

And then running the AppImage again. I get the dialog asking me to integrate it with my system, I press yes, try to run it and nothing happens.

Hello, sorry to hear you had trouble with the Hub while updating the OS.
We will try to reproduce on our side and give you a solution.

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It turns out it was some kind of problem with permissions. I ran the AppImage with sudo and it worked. I didnt see any similar problems to mine, so I figured it would be a problem on my side. Now everything is working as expected. Thank you though :slight_smile:


Hello, I have same problem.
I use unity hub on Mint 18.10 and all was good.
Next I setup Ubuntu 19.04 (it was clear install, not update).
I download UnityHub.appimage but it’s start only with sudo.
I try version 1.6.0, 1.6.2 and today 2.0.0.
Without sudo, when you first start, there is a dialogue about integration in the system (you can agree or refuse, it does not matter) and nothing else.

I got same issue in 18.04 ubuntu.

I found a solution for running unityhub from command line.
cd ~/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.0f1/Editor

This will open Unity Hub

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Same for me here; a fresh install of a 19.04 ubuntu. Only root can run UnityHub.appimage; and the install stops without messages.
[edit]It came from my internet connection. Now I can run Unity but only with root; standard user gives segfault[/edit]

[edit]Sum up for installation on 19.04 :

  • sudo apt install libgconf-2-4
  • get the UnityHub from Unity Hub v.1.6.0 is now available
  • run the UnityHub as root
  • install Unity
  • change rights on the following directory
  • chown -R user:user ~/Unity/
  • cd ~/.config
  • sudo chown -R user:user unity3d/ Unity UnityHub/
  • cd ~/.local/share
  • sudo chown -R user:user unity3d
    Now you can run Unity for the standard user with :
  • ~/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.0f1/Editor/Unity

I get error when trying to run a blank project; but with no label no description!!!

I installed 2018.4.5f1 it seems to work well (kart demo)

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