Hub app not launching after updating Ubuntu

Same for me here; a fresh install of a 19.04 ubuntu. Only root can run UnityHub.appimage; and the install stops without messages.
[edit]It came from my internet connection. Now I can run Unity but only with root; standard user gives segfault[/edit]

[edit]Sum up for installation on 19.04 :

  • sudo apt install libgconf-2-4
  • get the UnityHub from Unity Hub v.1.6.0 is now available
  • run the UnityHub as root
  • install Unity
  • change rights on the following directory
  • chown -R user:user ~/Unity/
  • cd ~/.config
  • sudo chown -R user:user unity3d/ Unity UnityHub/
  • cd ~/.local/share
  • sudo chown -R user:user unity3d
    Now you can run Unity for the standard user with :
  • ~/Unity/Hub/Editor/2019.2.0f1/Editor/Unity

I get error when trying to run a blank project; but with no label no description!!!

I installed 2018.4.5f1 it seems to work well (kart demo)

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