HUB can't install required android build support modules. Because I deleted them.

So… unity couldn’t build because it complained about the gradle version and other build modules not being correct version. Only thing I could think of was to delete them and install them again through the hub as clearly instructed in the editor. That sounds reasonable to me.

However, there is no “uninstall module” in hub, or “reinstall”… so I manually deleted the files in
C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2020.1.13f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines

However, now they are just completely missing and the hub doesn’t even recognize it. This result in the hub having check the modules that I need as if they were already there and refuses to install them again.

As you can see they are checked, and the DONE button is disabled. Also worth to mention, it’s not possible to uncheck the checkboxes, they are disabled too.

Since the uninstall module is not a flow we support, we would suggest utilizing the CLI. For using the CLI, try the followings (notice the extra --)

Windows: “Unity Hub.exe” – --headless help

Otherwise, you can try reinstalling the editor to select the models you are looking for.

Thx. uninstall and reinstall worked