Hud on Weapon

I need create hud on weapon (display ammo)
Can you help me how to do it ?


alt text

Option 1:

Use this UnityWiki Script you can create a sprite sheet attached to an object to loop through your sprite sheet.

The script was all messed up when I went to that link I reformatted it and cleaned it up for easier reading.

You could hook into this script with a trigger to update the index, set it manually or do anything else you wanted to do

public class AnimatedTextureExtendedUV : MonoBehaviour {
	//vars for the whole sheet 
	public int colCount = 4; 
	public int rowCount = 4;//vars for animation 
	public int rowNumber = 0; //Zero Indexed
	public int colNumber = 0; //Zero Indexed 
	public int totalCells = 4; 
	public int fps = 10;
	//Maybe this should be a private var
	private Vector2 offset;
	void Update () { SetSpriteAnimation(colCount,rowCount,rowNumber,colNumber,totalCells,fps); }
	void SetSpriteAnimation(int colCount ,int rowCount ,int rowNumber ,int colNumber,int totalCells,int fps ){
		// Calculate index
		int index  = (int)(Time.time * fps);
		// Repeat when exhausting all cells
		index = index % totalCells;

		// Size of every cell
		float sizeX = 1.0f / colCount;
		float sizeY = 1.0f / rowCount;
		Vector2 size =  new Vector2(sizeX,sizeY);

		// split into horizontal and vertical index
		var uIndex = index % colCount;
		var vIndex = index / colCount;

		// build offset
		// v coordinate is the bottom of the image in opengl so we need to invert.
		float offsetX = (uIndex+colNumber) * size.x;
		float offsetY = (1.0f - size.y) - (vIndex + rowNumber) * size.y;
		Vector2 offset = new Vector2(offsetX,offsetY);

		renderer.material.SetTextureOffset ("_MainTex", offset);
		renderer.material.SetTextureScale  ("_MainTex", size);

Options 2:
Create an empty game object. Add a mesh. Texture the mesh an appropriate background texture (in your image above it would be the blue backer). Add a 3d text object for current bullet count, and a 3d text for out of bullet count. Create a prefab and attach this script to your ammo counter object.

Extended Node: You might need this shader from the unity wiki Shader script

public class AmmoCounterScript : MonoBehaviour {
	public TextMesh AmmoLeftMesh;
	public TextMesh AmmoInMagMesh; // Include any other text you want in the sam fashion
	public int AmmoLeft = 0;
	public int AmmoInMag = 0;
	public bool DidChangeAmmoCount = false;
	void Update () { 
	// Not sure if this is really an optimization but it doesn't hurt
		if (DidChangeAmmoCount) {
			AmmoLeftMesh.Text = "" + AmmoLeft;
			AmmoInMagMesh.Text = "" + AmmoInMag;
			DidChangeAmmoCount = false;
	public void ChangeAmmoLeft(int newValue) {
		AmmoLeft = newValue;
		DidChangeAmmoCount = true;
	public void ChangeAmmoInMag(int newValue) {
		AmmoInMag = newValue;
		DidChangeAmmoCount = true;
	public void DecrementAmmLeft() {
		DidChangeAmmoCount = true;