Huds do not appear correctly after build.

Hey all I’m kinda new to Unity, but I have created a hud only camera that displays only the “hud” layer that I have. It all works fine but when I go to build then everything gets pushed outward. I have tried playing the build version in all the different screen sizes and none of them will place things in the right spots. Is there some sort of preset that I’m missing that could solve this problem? Or do I have to just move the huds and build until it’s correct?

(this camera is set to orthographic)

From the description it’s not clear how your hud is implemented. Do you use UI elements? If so, then your anchors are probably set up incorrectly. Take a look at this video UI Components - Unity Learn , maybe it will help you to solve this issue. If not, you should specify how your hud is implemented and add some screenshots showing how the hud looks in editor vs built version.