Huge differences between Unity 4 and 5 make Actual Assets Now Useless!

I understand the need for New things, but all the differences I have seen so far are only taking away things that previously worked or were included. I have a FBX Character that always worked just fine, but trying to pull it into Unity 5, it says weird stuff like "No Rotations supported! No Translations supported! (I’m not lying)

Some of the errors are:

MuscleClip 'character’conversion warning:
‘Reference_BASE/Root_BASE’ has translation animation. It is not supported.
MuscleClip ‘character’ conversion warning:
‘Reference_BASE/Root_BASE’ is between humanoid transforms and has rotation animation. This might lower retargeting quality.
MuscleClip ‘character’ conversion warning:
‘Reference_BASE/Root_BASE/Hip_BASE’ is between humanoid transforms and has rotation animation. This might lower retargeting quality.
MuscleClip ‘character’ conversion warning: ‘Reference_BASE/Root_BASE/Hip_BASE/L_Femur_BASE/L_Knee_BASE/L_Ankle_BASE/L_Ball_BASE’ is between humanoid transforms and has rotation animation. This might lower retargeting quality.
MuscleClip ‘character’ conversion warning: ‘Reference_BASE/Root_BASE/Hip_BASE/R_Femur_BASE/R_Knee_BASE/R_Ankle_BASE/R_Ball_BASE’ is between humanoid transforms and has rotation animation. This might lower retargeting quality.

It always lists problems but never any hint at solutions. I truly have no idea what is the actual problem, If I can’t Translate and rotate Items, then I can’t ANIMATE the items! How does this IMPROVE Unity?

Dude, drop back to 4.x if you can’t deal with the changes. Changing versions mid project is always a bad idea. In six months the assets will be more mature for Unity 5

There were some significant changes to the core engine, requiring changes at the developer end too. PhysX was upgraded. PBR was introduced. WebGL builds were added. These are all significant breaking changes.

As the saying goes you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

pull any humunoid mech animation FBX files from unity 4.6 or 5…the best way to solve your problem, put them side by side with your rig look at where the bones are located where there transform is and where the rotation is, obviously your rig is not conforming to the humanoid standard, so unity gives you warnings. if you want root motion animation… only animate the root…not the hip.and I believe you should only have one root.

that’s what I see?..from those warning descriptions.

it’s all about retargeting animations