So long story short, a month ago I got a notification from Windows that I’m running out of disk space on C, and I didn’t understand how that was possible, even though I only have a 128GB SSD. I said, ok lemme delete some things I don’t need. So i made space for another 20GB. Next time I open the laptop, same thing repeats, Windows notifies my I’m running out of memory. I’m saying maybe it’s a virus, so I start checking what files occupy so much. I select all the files, they were something like 70-80GB. I say what the heck, so I go on and verify the hidden/secret files. Then I find in users/appdata/local/unity/editor a file that has 40-50GB. I’m thinking what the heck. I delete it. A month later, 5minutes ago, i recieve a notification. I check, exactly same file has 40+ GB.
Anyone knows why this happening and what exactly is this file?
If you could tell us the name of the file and the exact location ( if not what you typed ) it would be helpful.
Having a quick look in that folder I can only presume that its either the editor.log or the upm.log, though there are a few other items that this might be the default location for but i’ve already relocated them ( e.g. Unity’s GI Cache - check the Unity preferences ).
If its the editor.log ( or previous.log ) then Unity is logging a huge amount of data from your project. This is a combination of console output and output from builds, maybe some other stuff ) Hitting 40+ GB for that thought is very surprising as for me its normally in the 10’s of MB at most and thats when making lots of builds and leaving the editor open for days on end.
This might suggest a problem with something in your Unity project, either with Unity itself, your own debug logging or a third party. The only way to know for sure would be to examine the file, but i’m not sure what text editor would open such a large file. So maybe try opening the editor and your project and keep an eye on the editor.log and quit if it starts getting larger, but not too large to examine.
I’m unsure what the upm is, some Unity server thing, though never seen it more than a few KB.
ok. Well that is worrying as i’ve never seen an editor.log file get that large, especially as it gets reset every time you open Unity. Suggests there is something screwy going on somewhere. If you can catch the log file as it suddenly grows and if its not too massive a file, perhaps upload it somewhere and maybe someone here can take a look for anything obvious that is wrong or possible cause.