After updating to Unity 2.5 (on Mac), I have tried opening a few of our projects, which are all quite happily under Asset Server version control.
First, I got a crash when trying to add a “server” tab to the project pane (doubly reported, since I got two nice bug report windows), but I haven’t been able to replicate that.
More interesting is the fact that after opening old(er) Unity projects in the 2.5 version, it seems to reimport, rebuild and/or reindex most, if not, all the files, This seems to lead the Asset Server client in Unity to believe that all the files in the project have been locally modified, and that they should be commited, even when no (user-specified) local modifictions have been performed.
However, the really interesting bit, is that if you proceed with the commit, when it gets to the server, it is reported as rather minor. In my attempts, only the EditorBuildSettings.asset has been consistently changed. See this screenshot from our web-interface to the asset server, on how it reported the changeset that seemed like all the files in the project had changed (the file “studenttypemap.mat” is always changed in this project, so ignore that).
It seems now that not doing the actual commit, but opening the server tab and re-entering the asset server login info, saving the project, and re-opening it, will somehow “reset” the list of locally modified files, and it matches the ones that would be actually modified in the asset server.
So, not really much of a bug, but a bit puzzling when re-opening old projects for the first time in the new release. Anyone else having the same issue?