Huge Lagg No Gravity Unity 3

I tried the not really easy to use Animation-Tool in Unity 3. When I was finished and wanted to play Unity crashes. When I deleted everything I was recently doing but it still Crashed. Then I Built it and then I realized I couldn’t move, its really laggy and the Cloth in front of me looks like it was in Scene View.
I then added a Cube with a Rigidbody and moved my Character up a bit but both didn’t fall down. I don’t know what happened the only other things I did was adding some Textures in the Texture folder for a new Menu Screen I wanted to do after the Animations.

Really? Nobody?

Wow! Thanks to everybody who helped me fixing the Problem! (-.-)
The TimeScale set itself to 0 somehow. After I set it to 1 again somehow the Lagg is gone…

I guess you set it to 0 and forgot about it.
this variable “controls time” so when you set it to 0, everything affected by time is stopped.

and if people would know the solution to your problem they would have told you. but since no one knew… its kind of funny you think you will get answers to every question you ask.

I never messed with the Time settings and I know what they do. And as I can see you knew it and didn’t reply. You could have told me “Hey id*ot look into the Time Settings of your Project”. Sorry if I’m a little pi**ed…

There’s literally no way for us to have known your problem was the time settings other than sheer dumb luck at guessing at it.

Also, I have had Time settings change themselves on me before as well. It’s incredibly rare, but it happens. I have no idea how to reproduce it.

Just a hint for anyone who doesn’t know, even if you change level the time settings stay. Probably not relevant but a tip I wish I knew when I was developing. Took me an hour to debug the “problem”.

Oh wow. Several Months later and I look in this post again and find a possible solution for the problem that the whole game is just… broken when you go to the MainMenu Level through the Pause Menu that sets the time to 0. THANKS!!!