I am working on a tiled based game and to achieve this visual I had to use sprite masks. 1 mask per tile. My problem is that as soon as I use the masks my fps drops from 150 (1000+ in build) to 3-4. Turning off the masks results in high fps again.
I have around 600 drawcalls.
Any one met with anything similar? What could be the problem?
Don’t know if this is still relevant, but i had the same problem when using many Sprtie Masks. Objects behind Sprite masks are rendered multiple times, which can result in a lot of draw calls. I recommend not using them at all, if you have many individual ones.
The problem is that every mask creates at least 2 draw calls, this means that each sprite mask will slow down your rendering by a lot. The solution for this is to not use sprite masks. Instead write your own cutout shader and use a single object.