Huge performance drop when upgrading to Pro Edition

Hi everyone,
We are currently developing a 3D application for the Gear VR, which is basically a succession of 3D scenes.
Everything was smooth on Unity 5.1.2f1 Personal Edition but when upgrading to Pro we experienced a huge performance drop, the objects were stuttering and we could easily see the black edges of the screen.
Everything went back to normal when building from Personal edition.

Any idea what might be the cause ? A list of all features disabled in personal edition would be appreciated, I couldn’t find one.


Unity 5 personal and pro are the same. There are no disabled features, other than the dark editor skin.

Here is a comparison chart:

Thank you for your answer.

I thought maybe some rendering quality values like anisotropic filtering could be capped in Personal and not Pro, hence the performance drop. I also wondered if the quantity of generated logs could be different from the two versions or if switching from Personal to Pro could reset some parameters to their default value or change quality settings.

No, nothing of that should be happening. Quality settings can be changed in the editor.
If you have both versions installed and running, you could check the profiler what takes the most time.

This is the exact same scene running on Personal on top and on Professional on the bottom.
As you can see, we went from a solid 30 FPS with occasional spikes to an average 20.
Most of the drop is due to PlayerEndOfFrame, which I guess is linked to VSync. The problem is that the rendering is 6ms longer on average, and I guess it leads to frames skip.
But I can’t see precisely what seems to be the issue.

Thank you for your time

There is nothing which takes much more time, it is more or less distributed evenly.
Do you use another direct x version in pro vs. personal or maybe another shader?
You can change some shaders in the graphics settings, which is used by relief terrain pack, uber shader, alloy Rendering, lux shader… Do you use the same settings?

Yes I used the exact same settings between those two builds, that is I first built in Personal then immediately switched to Pro and rebuilt. Do you think some shaders I used could be disabled in Personal but rendered in Pro?

No, not really. Only if they are old shaders and check for unity pro themselves in a script

This sounds like a bug to me. I’d encourage you to file a big report and make sure a repro project is attached.

Locked this as it’s a double post.

Please don’t do that.