Huge problem with slow internet connection and local addressables groups

We have been fighting agains this for some weeks now, lemme explain:

  • We have a game that has 2 local groups and some several remote groups.
  • The user has a really slow internet conecction or it has connectivity but is really unstable.
  • The problem fires when we open the game and a resource of a DOWNLOADED remote group is requested by the game. [The group was previously downloaded so it must be cached locally]
  • Now what is happening is that we request to that DOWNLOADED group an asset and it takes several seconds or more than a minute to actually retrieve the ASSET that was suppose DOWNLOADED AND CACHED LOCALLY.

How is this possible? how internet connectivity has a huge impact on loading async ASSETS that were PREVIOUSLY DOWNLOADED and cached locally?

Here are some of my client comments and request about this issue:

1: because the problem appears when your internet is zero but not nothing :slight_smile: I had it at a boat and at a pancake restaurant etc. Like the article I shared before, there is way more then internet and no internet, there is wap, E, 2G and unstable internet that let just a few bytes through.

2: yeah sorry that we’re so strict, but it is an absolute must that the game works flawless no matter the state of the internet. no internet, 0.0001kb p/s internet, 100mb internet or E searching signal but not dropping… even in the ghetto of rio de janeiro, a tropical rain forest or on a boat on sea: you should be able to play


  • Is there a way to skip checking at CDN for groups that are LOCALLY CACHED? so If a group was downloaded and is cached just let it loadAsync from the local group instead of using internet for no clear reason and then after several seconds return the LOCAL ASSET?

  • We are really clueless on how to fix this … we have been trying almost everything we found on the Addressables documentation to give it a fix but we are done … it feels impossible to solve and there is no clear information on the web about this kind of issues.

Good testing tool:

Bluestacks with NetLimiter, set your download speed for bluestacks to 1kb p/s max.

Extra Info:

Unity version 2020.3.8f1
Addressables version 1.16.19 [Verified]

  • All the workflow of our addressables implementation works flawless but this only issue is killing us cuz the game must be played also on OFFLINE mode, but if there is a pinch of internet connectivity it breaks.

  • If the WIFI is turned off or at plane mode it works fine with downlaoded/cached groups.

  • Here is a gif video showing the issue, we are loading the Background sprite and also a Json file of the setup of the level from a PREVIOUSLY DOWNLOADED GROUP, also you can check we are slowing the internet connection of the emulator to emulate the issue and it happens the same way the client told us.

Sorry for tagging you guys but we are desesperate on how to fix this issue:

@unity_bill ; @TreyK-47 ; @davidla_unity ; @pillakirsten ; @Peter77

Addressables cache WebRequest cache AB, self-determined cache, cache cache problem, direct cache problem AB.