Huge Quality Difference in Realtime vs Baked Reflection Probes-Bug or Expected

I looked online and found a few people asking about this but saw no one answering or addressing it, so I apologize if I missed something obvious.

Basically, is this expected:

There is obviously some nasty artifacting in the realtime version, to the point of just looking buggy and unusable. Is this an expected quality tradeoff? This is version 5.2.2p2.

With the screen you posted it’s a bit hard to understand what’s going on. It doesn’t look GI related to me, it looks more like an issue with the reflection probes? (or the smoothness map?)

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I second this… what exactly are you trying to show?.. the shots look similar to me?
Perhaps if you provide larger screenshots, we could see what is going on.

Yes, it is to do with the reflection probes, which I thought were a part of the GI system? Is there a different area this should be posted in?

I will try and amplify the issue here, but it is that if a material has smoothness variation across its surface, you get horrible banded artifacts which look buggy with realtime, and a nice smooth convincing results with baked.

Maybe I am too sensitive to this, but it is also alot more obvious when you are moving around:
In the baked probes, the reflection is still contributing to the rough areas of the wood, but distributed more like you’d expect, whereas in the realtime probes, it seems to be completely absent from those areas and there is a kind of sharp edge.

I apologize if this is not the place for this question. This wood’s smoothness is likely to be adjusted (it is mainly to illustrate the issue), but being able to vary the roughness over the surface is incredibly useful for making interesting lighting and materials. The roughness variance here is not insanely contrasty either.

So, by RealTime and Baked you mean the setting on the reflection probe? If yes, then I guess realtime just has worse/less convolution so the reflections look worse.

Yes, exactly, the settings on the probe. I was hoping that realtime reflection probes would be usable with complicated materials.
I guessed it was to do with the convolution. I was hoping there was an option to make the realtime probes use the baked convolution settings, possibly at the expense of the CPU, but I am guessing this is not the case. I guess you just have to take a big quality hit if you want to use the realtime reflection probes?

Well, considering how much faster the processing has to happen, something has to give.

I’ve heard there are optimizations coming on probe creation, so if the process gets much faster, maybe the quality could be higher.