Humanoid breaks my animation cycle

Hey guys, I got into a trouble.
I created a character in Maya and made an animation cycle for him.
It looks decent in Maya. I exported it to Unity, marked as Humanoid. As soon as I previev the animation clip it looks a bit different then in Maya, The shoulders started to shift from side to side more then it has to be… And that causes my model to run like a gay… :smiley:
However, if I leave the rig-type Generic, animation plays perfectly the same as in Maya.
Can someone help? What did i do wrong?

Here is the model with the animation baked (frames: 200-224):

Thank you in advance!

dude am realy sorry to say this but your bones are not pointed in the right way ;( for mecanim u need to rig the dude so his bones point the right way so the x rotation of the left hip bone points to the left nee and nee to left foot then foot to left toes and left toes point relative to the foots rotation

but before you go tering your man apart in the animtation settings ther is a button that says config click that an see if the bones are setup right