I am also having this issue now. I tried unchecking root motion and my optimize game object was already off, neither helped.
Okay so what you wanna do is really simple just go to where you would edit your config and click on your upper bones and swap them for another bone and then back again same with the feet and head and then apply changes and presto you should be all good!
Ps. I don’t know if this’ll effect it at all but be sure to make sure that “Optimize game object” and “Apply Root Motion” are both off.
Hope this helps!!
I’m still having the same issue here too, no matter what i do it’s not fixing anything qvq
Your avator is humanoid,but its XXX aren’t specilied!
In my case, I encountered this error when I changed the bone hierarchy from the FBX with the Humanoid setup. If you’re experiencing this error with an unpacked model, it might be due to the impact of changing the bone hierarchy. Deleting unnecessary GameObjects or changing the hierarchy of mesh objects did not pose any particular issues; the problem only occurred when altering the bone hierarchy.
This worked perfectly for me! I wasn’t even adding animations originally lol
Thank you so much was very confused why my stuff broke