humanoid rig with driven shape keys on the face

Hi all,

I have a humanoid character rigged normally from the neck down. The head is rigged with shape keys and driver bones.
All made in Blender.
Once imported in Unity, I can see all the shape keys are importing along with all my animations.
The problem is that the while the normal bones all deform as they should the face is not. I noticed that when I move the value of a shape key manually, cheek.L for example, both cheeks mesh move. In addition , when playing the anims in unity, other shapes that should not be moving, are.
I should also add to the point of the left and right shapes not being differentiated.
When I set up my shape keys, I used a “left” and “right” vertex group to separate the two sides after initially deforming the mesh mirrored and duplicated as .L or .R
explained here:

I have read and tried trouble shooting, using info in the links below but I’m not getting any results.
I am mostly a graphics guy and so not that great at code. Maybe I am missing something.
I’m using unity 4.6 and Blender.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If I’m remembering correctly, blend shapes need some more work and that will come in a future update in the Unity 5.x cycle.

I’m not sure if that affects you, but @Mecanim-Dev would know for sure.

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Thanks hopeful!
After a playing around I realized one of the problems is that the shape keys for the face are modified by a “left” and “right” vertex group.
I did a test and realized that keys not assigned to vertex groups deform as expected. The problem is that all my shape keys for left and right sides are mirrored and then use the vertex groups to restrict the deform to one side or the other.

Yup! Confirmed! I remade the shape keys that used vertex groups to separate left and right so the were independent mesh deforms and it worked perfectly.
Remaking the shape keys is very simple using the “new shape from mix” function.