Hybrid IK

Hi all!

My name is Rami Ali.
I wanted to bring your attention to the first asset I got published on the asset store: Hybrid IK
(v1, with much more to come)

Here’s a description:

Hybrid IK is a fast, robust, smoothly interpolating Inverse Kinematics solution for Unity which supports joint limits! It is a hybrid system combining the best of both FABRIK and CCD techniques in a novel algorithm to achieve smooth interpolations along large ranges of motion subject to joint limit constraints. Hybrid IK also offers the optional ability to parametrize the IK space with keyframe poses which can be used to further guide how the IK solution interpolates towards its target in a fast and simple way. This feature alongside the support of stretch limits and the fast and simple way to setup IK hierarchies that strictly follow joint limits while smoothly interpolating along big ranges of motion, make Hybrid IK stand out from the crowd. Fast and easy setup, no scripting required.

Watch the trailer here!


  • Quick IK chain hierarchy setup, works quick without much parameter tuning
  • Author Swing twist and Hinge joint limits, which are live editable
  • Constrain end orientation
  • Add stretch limits, with local x,y,z stretch bounds adding a positional IK component
  • Add manual position and orientation constraints upon joints along the IK chain.

Finally, Hybrid IK for Unity supports authoring Keyframe Pose constraints, which creates a mapping between authored keyframe poses and end position targets which will guide how the joint chain interpolates as the end target moves, effectively parametrizing the space!

Hope it’s a useful tool, more to come including FBIK and more importantly, a new Physics/Dynamics tool I’m working on which supports joint limits on joint chains running under particle dynamics as well as a Dynamic IK feature !


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Here are a couple tutorial videos for setting up IK chain hierarchies on robotic arms, with hinge, stretch limits and keytframe poses showcased!

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Hello, I recently started using this tool and it’s a great solution for complex robotic arms. I was having issue with one thing, however, and I was hoping you might have a solution.

I have a rig where I need the end of the joint system to be aiming in a specific direction at all times, but I can’t figure out how to constrain its aim. I’ve uploaded a screenshot to illustrate the issue, hopefully it helps. The IK system has a green material applied, and its target is drawn in pink and is a child of the part with the red material which will be animated. Whenever I rotate the animatable part, the IK arm follows, but does not retain the orientation I need (labeled in blue). I’ve tried creating additional joints to force this continuous aim, but I haven’t had any success with that approach.

I’m currently having the same problem as you, did you get a solution?