Would anyone have a recommendation for a source of hyper realistic character models and animations to run in real time? I can find tons amazing “general” game models on many great stores and sites but I am looking for something at the highest level of detail possible in the current industry. I am prepared for them to be pricey. The Blacksmith is close… the pre release tests of Nathan Drake are a bit closer.
From your brief description, it sounds like you are looking for body scans and mocap animation, which can be found in the asset store.
If you can go a little less realistic on the body, there’s MCS, which is also available in the store.
I imagine the biggest difficulty will be obtaining highly realistic clothing for whatever time period / culture you are wanting to represent. If you are going for a modern look, there should be some options available from the companies that do body scans (pretty sure I’ve seen that somewhere), but so far as I know there’s nothing “hyper realistic” in the asset store.
Thank you so much for the reply! I’m building a prototype so I was hoping to buy a model before approaching a mocap company for fully custom stuff but I think you’re right. I cant find super high end stuff for one off purchase. I wasnt aware of the mocap content on the store however, I will look into that for sure. Thanks again for your time!!
One other point on the mocap … naturally, what’s in the asset store is geared to common sorts of game animations (pistols, swords, climbing, crouching, etc.). If you need some other sort of animations, you may need to make your own or have a studio produce them for you. If you do decide to make your own mocap, there’s relatively inexpensive tools to help you with that in the store. I’ve not used them myself, but my impression was there were products with good reviews.
Oh, and another area where it will be difficult to go hyper realistic is hair. Realistic hair is hard to pull off, so you might base your “hyper realistic” solution on compromises related to hair and clothing.
If you are looking for a limited selection of modern clothes, and fairly realistic hair and body, then for your prototype you could probably use MCS’s free male and female models from the asset store. These have the added virtue of blendshapes, so you can use that to create different looking individuals with different body weights. If you want to increase your options on hair and modern clothing, there are some add-ons you can get either from Unity’s asset store or from MCS’s online store. If that will work for your prototyping, MCS is amazingly inexpensive for the quality.
If you want more free stuff to help get you started with prototyping, check out the bodies and clothes from ISBIT Games. It’s not hyper realistic, but it’s some of the higher quality / more realistic body models and clothing models in the store, and - like the base MCS models - it’s free. Just download and enjoy.
The MCS models are DAZ models. You can use other DAZ Original models, too, with a developer license. If you use other artists’ clothing and customizations that aren’t DAZ-owned, you may need to license them, too.
Wow thank you all so much. @hopeful , I will look into purchasing a mocap rig. I have the warehouse space for it and I might enjoy the process. Everyone’s time and references are greatly appreciated, thank you!!!