I'm new to game development. What do I need to learn?

I want to get into game development in unity, but I don’t know anything about it. What programming language do I need to learn to use unity? What do I need to learn about unity its self? If you could point me to some good resorces (like books that I can buy), it would be much appreciated! 3d modeling would also be nice to learn.

You need to learn how to use a search engine (google, etc …)

Start at the bottom and work up : Unity 3D Student - 3d Modelling

Start at the bottom and work up : Unity 3D Student - 3d Modelling

the Unity Wiki : http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/Tutorials

A list of resources : How can I start learning Unity fast? ( List Of Tutorials ) - Unity Answers

Well im following “Beginning 3D Game Development with Unity” by Sue Blackman and it has been great!

Good Luck!

@OnAxle Hi there! We’re currently working on a new system here at Unity, look out for it soon -

In the meantime, Jay Kay has kindly recommended a previous site of mine, which I think still represents a good introduction, so please check it out! Also my current book is available here -

Any other help using Unity please feel free to jump on here, the forums or email support [at] unity3d.com