I am confused about migrating from Advertisement Legacy to LevelPlay.

Advertisement Legacy is running perfectly in my game.
I have tried to migrate to LevelPlay, but I have to rewrite all code about Ads.
Can anyone help me figure out what I need to do?

  • Will Advertisement Legacy still work after Oct. 2023?
  • Do I have to create new placements in ironSource even if I have ad units in UnityAds?


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  1. You may continue to use the Advertisement Legacy package if you are not planning to use any mediation services.
  2. If you want to use Unity LevelPlay mediation, you will need to create placements in the IronSource dashboard that match the one you created in the Unity Ads dashboard. You can find more details in this guide, https://developers.is.com/ironsource-mobile/unity/unityads-mediation-guide/
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