I am getting an error trying to upload my games on Unity Play, basically when I click on play the error shows up and my game does not start

This is how it looks:

(error message is: {“message”:“Forbidden resource”,“error”:“Forbidden”,“statusCode”:403})

I tried to upload 2 games and the same error occurs. I do not changed much in the Build Settings and the first game is working fine on itch.io (Chicky Hunt by Sandbox Playworks). I’ve even tried to switch browser from edge to chrome, tried to clean the browser cache and nothing changes.

Also, the game is not saved on my Unity games page.

I don’t know how to solve this and I want to finish the Junior Programmer Mission :slightly_frowning_face:


Im having the same problem. Ever find a soulution?

Unfortunately not yet.

The same thing happened to me, I tried different projects and accounts, even a simple cube, it’s a Unityplay error, you have to wait for it to come back

Sorry for this inconvenience.

The issue has been resolved now. You should see your uploaded games under “my games”, and they should be playable again.

Should any other issue arise, please feel free to submit a ticket to our support team:

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