I am making a really simple game in which i want to take 2 string inputs from player via “Input Field” and compare first and last characters of both strings and if first alphabet of 2nd word is not equal to first alphabet then change the scene.
please please please help me with this
Thank You
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class Input1 : MonoBehaviour
public InputField word1;
public InputField word2;
void FixedUpdate()
string p1word = word1.text; //taking value from input field to string
string p2word = word2.text;
char p1firstltr = p1word[0]; //first characters of p1word
char p2firstltr = p2word[0];
char p1lastltr = p1word[p1word.Length - 1];//last characters of p1word
char p2lastltr = p2word[p2word.Length - 1];
if (p2firstltr != p1lastltr) //comparing both characters
SceneManager.LoadScene(4); //change scene
else if (p1firstltr != p2lastltr)