I’ve been trying to block out an interior scene but everything looks small. I’ve made a model in blender and it’s up to scale, doorways that are 1m wide which should be plenty because in the real world it is, but in the game it looks weird and small.
Those two screenshots above are a corridor that is 1 meter wide and 3 meters tall.
And those two are my spiral stairs. Each step is 1 meter long which again, should be enough because in the real world two people could walk side by side on such stairs but here it feels as if the player model barely fits on those stairs.
I doubt it’s a scaling error. In blender It’s proper scale and in Unity in import settings I use file scale which I don’t know why is 0.01 and I cannot change it at all but I’ve tried to not use file scale and set it to 1 manually but it makes objects into a complete mess and also bellow I will post screenshots comparing my player model and my stairs model to the stock Unity cube which should be 1x1m.
Also I know that changing the FOV may help but for the objects to look properly I’d need to set FOV at around 30 which has it’s own problems so changing the FOV is not an option. Maybe I should just model everything twice as big? So it would at lest look right.