I am trying to have a UI button open a warning if any of three text input fields are blank

This code block is activated on the press of a UI button:

// assign text
        item = tfQ1.text;
        orderCost = tfQ2.text;
        orderQuant = tfQ3.text;

        // check if textfields are blank
        if (item.Trim() == "" | orderCost.Trim() == "" | orderQuant.Trim() == "")

The tfq1/2/3 variables are GameObject.text objects that are assigned in the inspector.
I want an empty gameobject containing an error UI menu to open if any of the three textfields are attempted to be saved as blank. I can’t figure out why this wont work. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

the single pipes (|) should be double pipes (||) to indicate or, you should be getting an error for that

also String.Equals() is generally better than String == String.

So I discovered that the length of the text objects was returning as 1 when they were empty and I started comparing the lengths to get the proper result. I had to compare to 2 rather than 1 or zero for the code to properly respond.

// check if textfields are blank
        if (item.Length < 2 || orderCost.Length < 2 || orderQuant.Length < 2)