I am trying try create chunks in my game but it just makes infinite clones

I am only 13 so my code is gonna be a little rusty but I am trying to break a heightmaps into chunks that can be culled when the player does not see it but when making my script that makes the terrains I just get infinite clones. Any help would be very apreciated!

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class ChunkColumns : MonoBehaviour {

    string num;
    public bool apply;

    public int LengthHorizontally;

    public int LengthVertically ;

    public int TileResolution;

    public int VisionRadius;

    int terrainSizeX;
    int terrainSizeY;

    public GameObject Player;
    public GameObject Column;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        num = this.gameObject.name;
        char[] Num = num.ToCharArray();
    void Apply () {
        terrainSizeX = LengthHorizontally % TileResolution;
        terrainSizeY = LengthVertically % TileResolution;

        Vector3 Position = this.transform.position;

        Position.x = Position.x + terrainSizeX;
        Position.y = Position.y + terrainSizeY;

        Quaternion NormRot = this.transform.rotation;

        if (transform.position.x < LengthHorizontally) {
            GameObject ColumnNum = Instantiate(Column, Position, NormRot) as GameObject;
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {


Where is this script attached. Are you Instantiating a ‘Column’ which has this script, then it will Start(), enter ‘Apply()’ Instantiate another column and then that will ‘Start(), Apply(), Instantiate()’ etc infinitely?

Thanks! Got it working!

Looks like you’re instantiating a gameobject with this script attached. That would indeed cause an infinite loop