i can not get a single physical material to work.

so i’m making a game where a 2d character can jump between planets which are at the moment Circle Collider 2Ds. i want to give different planets physical materials, but nothing i do works. i’m simply trying to rotate the planet causing all the objects including the player to move with the rotation.
i have applied a physical 2d material to the planet with bouncyness at 0 and friction at 1000 and it did nothing.
could anyone offer me a solution to this issue?

Physics Materials are used when objects contact each other. Bounciness controls how they rebound and Friction is the surface friction (both typically in the range of 0 to 1; don’t use 1000).

If you want the equivalent of air-friction then use Rigidbody2D.drag and Rigidbody2D.angularDrag.