I can’t I put Text in Canvas to the public Text variable spot in the Inspector

This is the script I am using and I can’t drag the text object from the hierarchy to Wood Text in the inspector. There is no error and no mistakes in the other scripts.

What should I do?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ResourceManager : MonoBehaviour
    public int wood = 0;
    public int stone = 0;
    public int add = 1;

    public Text woodText;
    public Text stoneText;

    public BuildingPlacementSystem bSbuildingPlacementSystem;

    void Start()       

    public void AddWood()
        wood += add;

    public void ReduceWood()
        wood -= bSbuildingPlacementSystem.buildingWoodCost;

    public void AddStone()
        stone += add;

    public void ReduceStone()
        stone -= bSbuildingPlacementSystem.buildingstoneCost;

    public void UpdateWoodCount(int wood)
     woodText.text = "Wood: " + wood;

    public void UpdateStoneCount(int stone)
      stoneText.text = "Stone: " + stone;


Yes, that was the problem I didn’t know that there is a difference between normal Text and TextMeshPro and I can’t use it. Thank you for your help.