I can turn ON a shader effect with a bool from script, but I can't turn it OFF

In my shader, I’m exposing a Boolean with a Branch Node to use a Highlight Effect.

In the Inspector, the bool is represented by a check box. Enabling/Disabling the check shows the desired effect I’m looking for (ON/OFF).

Now I want to Enable/Disable that Boolean via script.

mr.material.SetFloat("_Select_Sheen_ON", 1.0f); //Turns ON the effect

mr.material.SetFloat("_Select_Sheet_ON", 0.0f); //Does NOT do anything, effect stays on

I saw some chatter about something changing in Unity 2021, but that involves Keywords, which I don’t believe I’m using.

Quick Context…these are being tested in a Coroutine separated by a “yield new WaitForSeconds…”
I don’t think that should matter.

LOL, I guess the Coroutine does matter. I switched my test script to use a button and now it is working.

I still forget code inside a coroutine gets handled differently.