I cannot access the course in the link.
Can you provide more context to your issue? Does the link that you shared in your post not work for you? Or are you referring to this course?
Let me know what exactly your issue is so that we can best help!
Since they never replied to you and I am trying to access that course, I will let you know the problem I am encountering. When you click on any of it, it redirects you back to the learn page. It just does not work.
the link works for me but it doesn’t recognize that I’m signed in into the unity account.
just try opening the link in private mode. unity had and still has a lot of issues connecting various web systems together with what appears to be a mismatch of authentication methods or something like that. some systems are not updated to the current setup they have.
It still does not work for me. I tried what you said and also used another browser. Can you maybe tell me how you got yours to work?
I have gotten up to that point but if you click on the actual lesson it redirects you
ok, I never tried this. it didn’t work
I’ve managed to make it work by going to this link
then switching the version from 2022 to 2021 (there is the dropdown box in the right part of the page at the top)
then clicking on the tutorial sections it worked
probably related with this bug here
Thank you for that. I tried it and it worked. I also found this Mobile AR Development Pathway - Unity Learn and I think it’s more comprehensive. I think I will go with it first.
Hi everyone!
I believe the issue was found and fixed. Could you let me know if you’re still having trouble accessing this content?
Hi there - I believe a fix for this was recently pushed this morning. Can you confirm if you’re still having this issue?
Just now coming back and confirming it has been fixed. Thank you