I cannot Build/ Export My Game,I cannot Build/ Export My Game to Windows

hi guys, im a beginner in unity, i have Unity 2018.2.9f. I just finished basic tutorial How to Make a video game from Brackeys, and i cannot build my game, i already watch how to build in unity from brackeys youtube channel but i cannot build into an exe file, actually exe option dosent appear , its only gave me folder option. when i build my game, it dosent build into an exe file, its only a folder with bunch of file. please help me!! ,hi guys, im a beginner in unity, i have Unity 2018.2.9f. I just finished basic tutorial How to Make a video game from Brackeys, and i cannot build my game, i already watch how to build in unity from brackeys youtube channel but i cannot build into an exe file, actually exe option dosent appear , its only gave me folder option. when i build my game, it dosent build into an exe file, its only a folder with bunch of file. please help me!

@gunawanleomessi It sounds like you might have Universal Windows Platform selected in the Build Settings. If so, change the Build Settings platform to PC, Mac & Linux Standalone and try building again to a different folder.