I Cannot Open "Behavior Demo For Unity" Scene. Please Help

Hello Everyone, I could not open the scene of the Demo below even though I received a total of 20 hours of training in Unity. Am I missing something?

Behavior Demo For Unity

There is a small tutorial about the demo in this video. However, when I open the existing demo in Unity, there is no ready-made scene. How can I open the demo with a ready-made scene by making a small video? Can anyone show me?

While I havent opened the scene myself, look at the characters, there should be a behaviour on them, open the graph and see what it does

Also, the developer who presented the demo in the video and the Levels sections in the demo are completely different. I don’t understand if it’s because they developed the demo this way.

Well, it looks like the mercenary male would be where Id expect to see the graph. did you look? what was there? Did you search?

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Yes, I called, my friend. When I press play, the game works. The problem is this.

In this video, they explain this demo on vebinar. However, the demo version is old in the video. They have improved it and it is completely different from the video. Because there are no scenes in the new version.

So, is there a chance for me to reach the first version of a demo in Asset? In Unity…

possibly, is it not attached to the webinar?

Dude this is the Webinar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxeqj1HmDaM&t=7s

OK well

taken from the youtube video looks EXACTLY like what you posted. So, Im sorry but, watch the video, take in what they say, then look at what you have…

Dude the problem is that the new version of the Demo is very different. I don’t know if you tried it in Unity. The scenes in the video are called from different places and I can’t find the scenes.

As I said, I have not downloaded it, because I didnt need to, i got the hang of it without that webinar, however…

You posted a screen print. Your screen print matches the one I found in the webinar… (and yes I only clicked around because, I have no interest in sitting through it.)

You’re telling me its completely different yet, it looks to be identical.
What exactly is different?

Its also not surprising they have changed it, if they found ways to improve it, as the behaviour trees package progressed.

The video should provide enough information (as their webinars usually do) to understand what they were doing. You almost shouldnt need the scene to follow the logic and how it works. Make your own scene, make your own behaviour, thats what its for.

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@bugfinders I understand but I am a beginner in Unity. The new version demo is very different. That’s why I can’t understand. Actually I am aware of the whole problem. But I need the first version. I wrote to the demo publisher here. I hope he sends me the first version.