I cannot run even one Unity IOS Tutorial! either not building or not working

What is the matter, is there a video tutorial that goes through every step from building with unity to opening xcode and building there, to running it on iPad/iPhone?

There is no tutorial required.

You press build and run and it does all thats required including install on the connected device, thats normal for iOS Projects in unity

The only requirement for this to work is that your provisions and certificates are installed correctly and that the connected device is setup as development device, but thats XCode related stuff covered by apples documentation and mentioned on the provisioning portal to which you have access as licensed ($99 / $299 per year) developer.

I know it should be that easy, but Unity demands xcode 3.1, and I have unity 4.

I agree that documentation on this is lacking, I’m also new to Unity and even with some iOS experience I had some trouble, I was expecting something more simple or at least this:

  • be sure to download XCode 3.2.5 + iOS SDK 4.2 (it seems there are bugs with other versions)
  • be sure to install XCode in default folders (/Developer)
  • be sure to be able to load the hello world from the iOS example to your device, for this youl’ll need the Apple licenses and provisioning, this is not unity fault, but Apple has step by step tutorials
  • once you have hello world working in your device install Unity iOS
  • open the Complete project from the Penelope tutorial (it would convert it to the new version), then press Build Run
  • if above is correct XCode would launch with the project Unity already created for you, you’ll have to build the project from Xcode, remember the hello world you put in your device previously?.
  • sometimes Xcode can not find right away your provisioning or recognize your device, it happens, disconect your device, quit completely Xcode and try again
  • profit!

I´’m still fighting with the Android part…

I got so far I even got a compile error on xcode!

With android it was so easy, just compile and send to Galaxy tab!

/Users/Shared/Unity/AsennusOpas/Asennusopas_ios/Asennusopas_ios/Classes/AppController.mm:393:0 /Users/Shared/Unity/AsennusOpas/Asennusopas_ios/Asennusopas_ios/Classes/AppController.mm:393: error: request for member ‘scale’ in ‘mainScreen’, which is of non-class type ‘UIScreen*’

Icannot fix xcode building errors…

Now I got Penelope running. That’s one hard game.