When I choose Continue,my unity is no response. My accelerator is working,so how to deal with it? Plz!
Hello, could you provide us with more information about your setup? We would need to know more about:
Editor’s log
Operating system and Editor version
Bandwidth/network setup information
Are the accelerator and editor on the same network?
Same issue, I find it stop at this line 10, when stream try to read.
pos += m_stream.Read(versionBuf, 0, versionBuf.Length);
This code is form com.unity.scriptablebuildpipeline@1.7.3 Client.cs
private void SendVersion()
var encodedVersion = Util.EncodeInt32(ProtocolVersion, true);
m_stream.Write(encodedVersion, 0, encodedVersion.Length);
var versionBuf = new byte[8];
var pos = 0;
while (pos < versionBuf.Length - 1)
pos += m_stream.Read(versionBuf, 0, versionBuf.Length);
if (Util.ReadUInt32(versionBuf, 0) != ProtocolVersion)
throw new Exception("Server version mismatch");
This code is run in Unity 2019.4.9f1, windows 10, accelerator v1.0.591+g23eefb5
Hi @lessice , could you message your Editor Log as well if possible?
Here is my log.
6297376–696835–Editor.txt (2.25 MB)
@lessice The Scriptable Build Pipeline package does not support using the Accelerator as a Build Artifact Cache Server. For SBP you will want to use the Cache Server v1 found on github here: GitHub - Unity-Technologies/unity-cache-server: Unity CacheServer optimized for multi-client local networks for Build Artifacts.
Is this still the case? If so, does this mean you cannot use Addressables with the Accelerator?
If you can’t use Addressables with the Accelerator, and we have to use the Cache Server v1, then wouldn’t all teams using Addressables with a cache server have to downgrade to Unity 2019 as well, to use the Asset Pipeline v1?
Scriptable Build Pipeline still does not support Accelerator unfortunately. I checked with the build pipeline team and Addressable still uses the Scriptable Build Pipeline so there won’t be any Accelerator support for that. There are plans to eventually support this but we don’t have any firm dates yet.
Then that is very concerning. Why deprecate the only version of a cache server that works with a feature that many teams will use? It appears that you should still use the cache server v1 for Scriptable Build Pipeline build artifacts, but there’s no longer support for this feature?
Is it possible to use both Accelerator to cache assets AND use cache server v1 to cache build artifact cache server?
I am actually attempting to do exactly this. There’s documentation in the scriptable build pipeline docs about using the cache server v1: Usage Examples | Scriptable Build Pipeline | 1.19.6 (unity3d.com)
Although I believe it is outdated, as you can configure the options to use the cache server in Edit → Preferences… → Scriptable Build Pipeline section. I am not sure about this. If you are using Addressables, I believe that it builds the asset bundles by default using the ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles automatically. I have been able to get the server to connect, and it uploads some artifacts, but the BuildCache folder still has many more files than the cache server has, so I think I am still doing something wrong.