I Can't Build for Android! HELP!

I am using the free version of Unity and I have the android sdk set up. I am running Unity 4.1.5. When I click build, it says "Error building Player: Exception: android (invokation failed)
ERROR: unknown error
cmd:android list target -c

android [global options] list target [action options]

Global options:
-v --verbose Verbose mode: errors, warnings and informational messages are printed.
-h --help Help on a specific command.
-s --silent Silent mode: only errors are printed out.

Action “list target”:
Lists existing targets.
No options
Error: Flag ‘-c’ is not valid for ‘list target’."

   What is the problem????? This is very frustrating!

Download the latest version of Android SDK from here : Download Android Studio & App Tools - Android Developers BUT don’t just click on “Download the SDK”, scroll down until you see “Use an Existing IDE”, click on that and then Download the SDK Tools for Windows. This will download you an installer for Android SDK tools, and then just install it (and download the Android SDK packages in SDK tools program that you installed) and it should work.
That’s how I solved the problem. :slight_smile:

Set up my Android development environment a few days ago, hope this helps: