I can't build my game

Here’s the message what i get: cannot build player while editor is importing assets or compiling scripts
I’m not importing or compiling anything. I already tried to restart Unity, but didn’t worked.

Package manager:


Show us console errors.

Hello dude, i already solved it.

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Well, what was it? I have the same issue.


Never mind, I fount it, too. I had using UnityEditor in my script and removed it. Now I can build.


I have the same issue.

check your script, which one had “using UnityEditor”, delete it.


guys i have the same issue and really confused what to do.


Was this what was in your log?
Build completed with a result of ‘Failed’
UnityEngine.GUIUtility: ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)


Look through all of the script you can. At the top of one there may be a line that says, “using UnityEditor;” Erase that and fix errors that it may cause.

I don’t know if there is a search function that will let you look for that, but if there is utilize that. I downloaded a pack that was actually from Unity themselves and the thing had the “using UnityEditor;” in it.


I have the same issue

how do you check your scripts

I checked all my scripts and it still does not work

My scripts say using UnityEngine. Is that the same as unityeditor?


If you are using 3rd party tools like snaps tools which use unityeditor then delete it for once you can import again. It works for me

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Which script I have to check? the script uneditable!

Hi, I deleted all of them but I still cannot build! any solutions?

Any in video solution, please?

go to the Project winndow> Assets folder> Scripts
hope that helps

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I need help with same issue guys, please.
I have just installed Unity and following the Kart tutorial created my first game, I wanted to try it on my Android phone6 but when I click Build and Run, it shows this: