I can't change my text

I tried 2 hours to change my text just to see that unity basically thinks TextMeshPro doesn’t exist

here is the script
Text ScoreText = GameObject.Find(“Canvas/ScoreText”).GetComponent(); - This detects
ScoreText.text = “Test”; - [Always an error in console log , shows no error when save it]
i tested transform component and worked
but for some reason text component doesn’t work and always i get a Null when i do Debug.Log(“”)

The error is always Object reference not set an instant of an object
There is a fix ? Because i looked at like over 20 forums and i get same error no matter what i do.


I finally found a fix in the end the solution was Using TMPro , i am new using unity btw.

That should be two seconds, not two hours. Why? Because its ALWAYS the same three steps.

How to fix a NullReferenceException error


Three steps to success:

  • Identify what is null ← any other action taken before this step is WASTED TIME
  • Identify why it is null
  • Fix that

So you know, the 2D forums are not related to UI so I would ask that you please not post about UI stuff on this forum.

The UI forums are here so I’ll move your post for you.
