I cant change tag on two objects simultaneously? Why?

I use collider to stop an object and triggering them using tags.
Before I tried to use booleans, result is the same. I cant change two objects simultaneously/

Where is a problem?

 void Update () {
	trigger = numb%2==0;
	if(Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && trigger){
		collider1.tag = "Untagged";
		collider2.tag = "Obstacle";

	if(Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !trigger){
		collider1.tag = "Obstacle";
		collider2.tag = "Untagged";


I found answer. Initially I created empty gameobject and put two colliders into it. I have two such gameobjects.Problem is that when I want to change two gameobjects tag at one update call, First one changes, but second is not.

The answer is to change not the gameobject’s tag but the tag of colliders in the gameobject.

I dont know why, but it works.

Anyone have ideas?