I can't connect animations in the animator, it doesn't give me the option to apply a state transition. What do I do?,I can't make transitions beween animations in the Animator Controller. How do I fix this?

,When I try to connect animations to an animation that’s already connected to another one, it doesn’t allow me to. The option to create a transition just doesn’t pop up.

I also had this problem on the newest version (2020.3.31f1), so I tried going back a version and it worked.
This is probably a bug on the newest version, so go back a version to the 2020.3.30f1.,I was also going through this problem in the newer version of Unity (2020.3.31f1), so I tried going back a version and I was able to make multiple transitions.
This is probably a bug for the newest version of 2020 LTS
So try going back one version, which is 2020.3.30f1