I can't figure out IDE/collisions

I am fairly new to unity and I am taking the learning pathway.
I am stuck on 2.4 because it says to let the code auto fill, my IDE is not working so can some tell me how to get the IDE to be the same as the one in the videos

May I ask why are you posting this on the physics forum? This forum is for asking about physics obviously.

Nothing in your post describes a specific video or learning pathway so please consider that nobody knows what you’re doing specifically and subsequently have no idea how to get your IDE to “to be the same as the one in the videos”.

Please consider posting on the Getting Started forum.

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This is what I meant, sorry if I was confusing I was tired that day.
The IDE in the video does something that my IDE can’t do and I still can’t figure it out.

Again, I have to guess what you mean. I can only guess/presume you mean step 2; the “autocomplete” thing? You should try to type exactly what you mean.

So this is nothing to do with physics though; the same would apply for any function.

Assuming your problem is an autocomplete thing, you have a code-editor/IDE issue with it not set-up correctly, perhaps you’ve not got the appropriate code-editor package loaded. No way to know.

We have a forum for that here. I’ll move your post for you.

I do mean Autocomplete It says type OnTrigger and then let it Autocomplete
but my IDE won’t show a pop up like it should and I can’t Autocomplete, so either
it’s my IDE or I’m doing something wrong.