I can't find PlayerPrefs on Windows

I can't find Playerpref anywhere. Can someone comment on where it is located for windows? THANKS =]

I just upgraded to Unity 5.5 and the PlayerPref are now located in:


I asked a friend and he told me how to get to it and it works:

click start, type "regedit" and open it


then Software, etc as the original one states.


On Windows standalone players, PlayerPrefs are stored in the registry under HKCU\Software[company name][product name] key, where company and product names are the names set up in Project Settings.

On Web players, PlayerPrefs are stored in binary files under %APPDATA%\Unity\WebPlayerPrefs on Windows.

Now on Unity 5 it save on:

After searching for half an hour, finally found a working solution of visualising all Player Prefs in Unity. It’s free and works for me, maybe your needs will also be met: PlayersPrefs Editor and Utilities | Tools | Unity Asset Store