I looked at the pricing page but I can’t find matchmaker where can I find it?
I second that. Is pricing for Matchmaking not yet determined as is the case with Friends and UGS Bridge services?
Matchmaking is currently free as long as you use Game Server Hosting.
Hey, I’ve read that matchmaking is free as long as you are using Relay or Multiplay. But what if im using neither. We are using the lobby system and using Photon Realtime as the transport. So we dont need relay or multiplay at the momemnt.
How much can we expect to pay for matchmaker in this instance.
Matchmaker currently only works in companion with Unity Game Server Hosting. Other server hosting services are not supported yet. I believe this is stated somewhere in the manual. When it will support other hosting services I’m sure there will also be a price tag listed on the services pricing page.
Hey thanks for the swift response.
We are using the Relay Service mode with the matchmaker, but we dont actually use the Relay service to connect players.
We dont have either Multiplay or Relay enabled even. But the matchmaker is still working, so im just trying to gage how much it costs to use the Matchmaker service.
It says its offered for free when using Multiplay Hosting or Relay networking but we are using neither.
Hi there !
Matchmaker is only offered when using GSH and Relay and is not officially supported yet outside of those two use cases.
We will have more info to come later on.