I can't get the billboard to export properly. Can someone help me?

I tried exporting several times, but it never worked. I uninstalled the software and tried previous versions, but it didn’t work. [The version I am currently using is 10.0]

Hi @tetoora,

We’ve had at least one other report of this in the past, but we haven’t yet been able to reproduce it, so it’s tricky for us to give you a recommendation. We’ll try to run some more tests and I’ll let you know if I have any updates.

One common cause for export problems is having unicode/non-English characters in path names, which SpeedTree does not support. Do you have any in your export path? That will be helpful for us to know.

Sorry for the delay in replying. Is the path name the same as the file name? I will attach the image. I apologize if it is wrong. For now, only the ColorTexture of Billboard is exported, but when I open the Texture data, the contents are empty.

The path name includes the file name, plus the folders that come before it (so for example: PC->HDD(D:)->Speedtree->ExportMesh->PineBark.st9)

It looks like you don’t have any non-English characters in your path, so that rules that out.

Would you be willing to share your file with us so we can see if we can reproduce your issue? You can go to the File->“package tree for support” and email it to us at support@speedtree.com

Thank you.
I will send it to you as an attachment to an email.

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