I cant get Unity Colliers to work!!!

I have a tank and a map for the tank to stay inside. The tank is a prefab and has a Script, Network View, Rigidbody 2D and A Box Collider. I have an empty game object with a box collider around a wall and the tank goes straight through the wall/Box Collider. I have spent hours searching the internet and have not been able to fix it. All help would be appreciated.

I am using the below command to move:
transform.Translate(-Vector3.left playerSpeed Time.deltaTime);

I would recommend following some of the basic tutorials on physics here.

You add the Rigidbody2D to ask it to modify the Transform component to the physics position. By modifying the Transform component yourself, you are doing the opposite; driving the Transform position which drives the Rigidbody2D position.

@MelvMay What Command should I be using to move the tank?