I can't launch the editor

I’m new in Unity and i’m trying to launch the microgame tutorial (plataform game), but it get stuck whene loading the scripts. I had try all the microgames and the 2D new proyect, but allways get stuck loading.
This is the last screen I can see, before select anything and get stuck loading (it can be loading hours and nothing happens)

Someone can help me please!!!

6069570--657843--Unity 2D template.JPG 6069570--657849--Unity plataform template.jpg

What happens when you try to open an empty new project? What are your computer’s specs?

When I try to open an empty new proyect it get stuck in “Scene”, like the second picture.

Mi computer’s spects are:
Intel Core i7-4600 CPU @ 2.1 GHz
RAM 8 Gb
Windows 7


Did you find a solution?